Safari Plus “Navratri Night 2019”
Travel Heels and Safari Plus is association with Arihant Holidays and Naidu Club Navaratri brought a glittering Navratri Night on 1st October 2019.

Travel Heels and Safari Plus is association with Arihant Holidays and Naidu Club Navaratri brought a glittering Navratri Night on 1st October 2019. The event was in one of the happening garba of the town at Korakendra Ground, Borivali, Mumbai. The event was for the Travel Trade and their family to rejoice the bonding with fellow trade partners and dance with family and friends.
Here are the glimpses of it….
Mr. Shailendra Kesari (Safari Plus), Mr. Ashish Bhansali (Arihant Holidays) and Ms. Parul Kesari (Travel Heels)