Finland named Happiest Country in the World for 7th year in a row

The latest World Happiness Report lists Finland as the happiest country in the world for the seventh time in a row. The 2024 World Happiness Report focuses on the theme of happiness for the younger, the older, and those in between. Finland gets high scores in every age group.
In Finland, as in other Nordic countries, cities and municipalities are responsible for the provision of many everyday services. These include daycare, education, healthcare and many other services that generate wellbeing for people at different stages of life.
“The people of Helsinki trust the city to organise functional services and also low threshold access to experiences such as culture and nature. The new, internationally interesting Museum of Architecture and Design planned for Helsinki is just one concrete example of how we are investing in the future of our city and the wellbeing of our residents,” says Juhana Vartiainen, the Mayor of Helsinki.
Libraries are popular places among locals in Helsinki. Photo: Suvi-Tuuli Kankaanpää, City of Helsinki.
Excellent public transport provides access to the sources of happiness
According to a survey conducted by market research company Taloustutkimus, locals are very satisfied with their lives in Helsinki – almost nine out of ten (88%) of the more than a thousand respondents claimed that they are satisfied with their lives in Helsinki at the moment. Key factors that promote a good quality of life in Helsinki include proximity to the sea, art and cultural offerings, a safe living environment, and green areas, parks and nearby forests. Top of the list, however, was public transport, which guarantees smooth access to every place.
The happiness of the people of Helsinki can be found in the small things in everyday life: eating ice cream along the city's 131-kilometre shoreline, taking a sauna in your own home or one of the city's many public saunas, and visiting museums or flea markets with friends.
Lena Salmi is a 70-year-old skateboarder who loves colourful clothes and making people smile. Photo: Maija Astikainen, Helsinki Happiness Hacks.
Experiencing happiness with the Helsinki Happiness Hackers
The survey also highlighted Helsinki's multiculturalism, internationality and the positive attitude of residents towards tourists. Visit Finland and Helsinki Partners are now inviting international visitors to Helsinki to experience local happiness hacks as part of the Helsinki Happiness Hacks campaign. In the campaign, local happiness hackers representing different fields share the secrets of their own happiness with visitors. Anyone can take part in the two-phase application for a chance to visit Helsinki this June and experience the Helsinki Happiness Hacks in person: simply complete the social media challenge and fill in the sign-up form on the campaign website by 4 April 2024.
“The best thing about Helsinki is the freedom to be yourself and live your own life. I go swimming in the Baltic Sea all year round and enjoy the euphoria brought by the cold water. In addition to the sea, I love the asphalt in Helsinki and the freedom that skateboarding brings, as well as the warm community I find there,” says Lena Salmi, a 70-year-old skateboarder and one of the Helsinki Happiness Hackers.