Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of Travel Heels

Travel Heels, a social group of women entrepreneurs in the Travel Industry organised a Motivational Webinar in association with Safari Plus for women colleagues of the industry to celebrate its 1st Anniversary.
The webinar “The comeback is always stronger than the set back” was on 20th April, 2020. The panellists were - Ms. Vasuki Sundaram, Founder CEO of Wings Travels & Tours and leads the IATO Maharashtra Chapter as the Chairperson; Ms. Neela Lad retired as the Regional Director, Western & Central region at IndiaTourism, Ministry Of Tourism at Mumbai Office; Ms. Ranjini Nambiar, President for Skal International India and CEO of Footloose Yatra Consultants; and Dr Rathore Rashmi, a MD Doctor, Winner of- Mrs. India Legacy 2018, a Soft Skills Trainer and Image Consultant.
The session was introduced by Ms. Parul Kesari, Founder of Travel Heels and Editor-in-Chief at Safari Plus and moderated by Ms. Naina Malika Williams, Founder, Bangalore Escapades. The webinar had discussions on how the women entrepreneur can stay calm on the current situation and how they can utilize the time on planning, marketing and business development so, that they can be prepared for the season to come.
Ms. Vasuki Sundaram said, “We need to go back to our basics. This is a great opportunity as we got this time to learn more about our destination, we can also learn new languages, get trained with the insight knowledge of the domestic products. This is the right time when we can build a strong relationship with our clients and vendors as well. We have a diverse range of product in our own country like Beaches, wildlife, mountains, the need of the hour is to think out of the box and bring the ideas and do the things differently and specialize on any one segment .This is the best time to explore your forte and you will succeed. We should not panic, tourism will bounce back and everyone will have their own share.”
Ms. Neela Lad sharing her view said, “Innovation is the only way to win, and at present we are clueless as to what the TRAVEL will be like post COVID 19. We need to be the better version of ourself, keep learning new things, keep upgrading. The MOT and other states are also focusing on the Experiential Tourism. In my opinion Neighbourhood Travel will be the next to open up soon. The things will change and we call it NEW NORMAL the things will be different and we need to gear up to face them. So the key mantra is to reinvent yourself and reintroducing that one extra mile to what you’re offering and focus on the long term resolve.”
Some Highlights of the session -
Ms Ranjini Nambiar said, “The current phase is just the same as we all would have experience once in our life “set back” but this is the way nature teaches us and brings the NEW YOU. And yes we will emerge out more stronger from this too. So, we as the travel industry should stand together and merge as a strong force to sustain for long term. According to me collaboration will be the key factor and collaborating our strength and asset would help us to cultivate and nurture Tourism in our own Country.
Talking on how much the appearance matter for your personal branding, Dr. Rashmi Rathore focused on the grooming oneself, “Personal branding is an art & science of creating and maintaining an impactful image through optimal utilisation of available personal resources. A strong and positive image can always help you stand out from your competition.
We need to focus on the basic ABCD of personal grooming –
‘A’ stands for Appearance - your clothing, grooming and body language.
‘B’ stands for Behaviour - How you treat others with etiquette, personality and attitude
'C' stand for Communication – It includes both speaking and listening and your ability to put forth your ideas.
'D' stands for Digital Presence and it is as important as your personal presence. In today’s world, this makes the whole lots of difference when you are connecting to the world. Your Linkedin or your Facebook account is a mirror to your personality.
To conclude the session it was learning experience for everyone, to explore your own self and coming out to be the better version of you. Dedicate and define what your forte is and polish that. Work together with your clients and vendors and think about how we can benefit each other to STAND STRONG. As we say THIS SHALL PASS TOO, and we will come back stronger and organized.
About Travel Heels
Travel Heels is a global platform for the women colleagues of Travel Industry. The group is founded by Ms. Parul Kesari, Editor-in-Chief, Safari Plus with a vision to unite and give a platform to women in the travel community and to connect with others who have same passion “To Explore the World”.
With the very short span of time we are more than 1K members on Facebook and 200+ on Whatsapp group. On Facebook - The two aspect of the group is the women from the Travel Industry (making your travel easy) and the Travellers (women only) be it solo or only women group (with or without kids). It is an open group on -
FACEBOOK - www.facebook.com/groups/2065559377069793