#KashiVishwanathDham crosses 216K tweets

Twitter has been abuzz with the news about the inauguration of rejuvenated Kashi Vishwanath Dham in Varanasi on Monday. The hashtag #KashiVishwanathDham became the top 2nd trend worldwide on the social media platform as PM Modi unveiled the historic temple corridor on Monday. In India, #KashiVishwanathDham remains the top trend on Twitter throughout the day.
As the hashtag #KashiVishwanathDham became the top trending topic on Monday, it crossed over 7 billion impressions and reached over 350 million people.
It is to be mentioned that here the trend started after Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the first phase of the Kashi Vishwanath Dham in his parliamentary constituency, a project that connects the temple town's two iconic landmarks - Kashi Vishwanath temple and the Ganga ghats besides providing various facilities to devotees.
During the grand event, Twitter and other social media platforms were abuzz with comments over the development in Varanasi and Uttar Pradesh with several people hailing the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister for their efforts.
It is noteworthy that the hashtag crossed over 216K tweets and over 8600 tweets in the span of less than an hour.
Significantly, along with the hashtag #KashiVishwanathDham, probably for the first time several other related hashtags such as #ShivaJi, #Ganga, #Varanasi, #Kashi, #HarHarMahadev, #Ganga, #LordShiva, #दिव्यकाशीभव्य_काशी, #BabaVishwanath, #नरेंद्रमोदी, #कालभैरव and #काशीविश्वनाथधाम concerning the same event also remained trending on Twitter simultaneously.