Chalet Hotels lights up virtual hearts across its hotels

Hotels in the portfolio of Chalet Hotels Ltd., have come together to spread the message of solidarity, resilience and strength in these testing times, as they lit up virtual hearts across each of their properties. Standing out in the night light, amidst empty roads, and the unusual silence in the busy metro cities, the hearts which were visible far and wide, had citizens appreciating the gesture and seeing it as a ray of hope, for good times to come.
Speaking about this initiative, Mr. Sanjay Sethi, MD & CEO, Chalet Hotels Ltd. said, “With the lighting up of #LightsofLove, we endeavor to share a sense of hope during these difficult times. We also express our gratitude to the brave hearts facing challenging circumstances to deliver services to the public. We cannot forget our own colleagues on duty at the Hotels providing services to our guests. Our Hotels have also opened doors with food and refreshments for the police and other personnel on duty, along with providing packed meals and personal protective equipment. Together, we shall tide these tough times.”
Chalet Hotels Limited (CHL) is an owner, developer and asset manager of high-end hotels in key metro cities in India. Our hotel platform comprises six operating hotels, including a hotel with a co-located serviced residence, located in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Pune. CHL’s hotels are branded with globally recognized hospitality brands and are in the luxury-upper upscale and upscale hotel segments. The hotel platform emphasizes strategic locations, efficient design and development, appropriate positioning in hotel segments together with branding and operational tie-ups with leading hospitality companies. CHL uses its experience to actively manage the hotel assets to drive performance.