Azerbaijan Tourism Board Appoints BRANDit as New Representative in India

Azerbaijan Tourism Board Appoints BRANDit as New Representative in India

The Azerbaijan Tourism Board has officially announced the appointment of BRANDit as its new representative office in India, signifying a surge in interest among Indian travelers towards Azerbaijan. At the event, Mr. Florian Sengstschmid, CEO of the Azerbaijan Tourism Board, alongside Ms. Lubaina Sheerazi, CEO of BRANDit, shared their insights and strategic plans to boost Azerbaijan's visibility in the Indian market.

"Tourism relations between Azerbaijan and India are currently at an all-time high, evidenced by the rising number of arrivals and a plethora of new experiences awaiting Indian tourists. These include family vacations, solo trips, destination weddings, and film shoots for Bollywood and Tamil movies. Compared to the same period last year, we have seen a remarkable 2.6-fold increase in Indian visitors. With BRANDit as our representative, we are committed to maintaining and enhancing this upward trajectory," said Florian Sengstschmid.

He also announced the successful conclusion of a roadshow in three major Indian cities—Bangalore, Pune, and Kolkata—where top Indian travel trade representatives engaged in fruitful discussions to strengthen tourism partnerships. Following Mr. Sengstschmid's remarks, Ms. Lubaina Sheerazi expressed her enthusiasm for the collaboration.

"We are delighted to partner with the Azerbaijan Tourism Board, adding to BRANDit's expanding portfolio. Our goal is to reveal Azerbaijan's hidden gems and connect Indian travelers with its unique experiences. Leveraging our expertise in the Indian outbound market, travel trade, and media, we aim to capture and expand the growing interest in this vibrant destination," said Lubaina Sheerazi.

The rising number of Indian tourists underscores Azerbaijan’s emergence as a sought-after travel destination, driven by its convenient flights, hassle-free e-visa process, and reputation as a cultural and business hub. E-visas, available from within three days for just $26, combined with direct flights, make it easy for travelers to reach the largest city in the Caucasus region in just four hours. AZAL Airlines currently operates flights between Baku and Mumbai four times a week and between Baku and New Delhi three times a week. Additionally, IndiGo Airlines offers daily flights from Baku to Delhi, with plans to introduce a new route with three flights per week from Baku to Mumbai.

Azerbaijan, positioned at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, boasts a rich history spanning 5,000 years, making it an ideal destination for family vacations, solo travelers, and weddings. Its diverse culture, shaped by the Great Silk Road, is epitomized by the Ateshgah Fire Temple, adorned with 19th-century Sanskrit inscriptions. Visitors can explore UNESCO World Heritage sites like the Old City of Baku, the Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape, the Sheki Historic Centre, and the newly inscribed Khinalig village and ‘Köç Yolu’.

Baku, the capital city, blends ancient landmarks with modern attractions, making it a popular choice for romantic getaways and Indian weddings. The cosmopolitan city offers a vibrant nightlife, museums, trendy bars, and a wide array of dining options. With top-notch infrastructure, including the Skytrax 5-star rated Baku International Airport, luxurious hotels, the iconic Flame Towers, and premier facilities like the Baku Congress Centre and Heydar Aliyev Centre, Azerbaijan is well-equipped to host significant international events, including COP29 in fall 2024.